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Speedzen Newsletter

James Gandolfini’s Angry Acting Secret in The Sopranos

Tony Soprano’s fits of rage on the Sopranos were some of the most realistic in television history. When asked in an interview how he was able to portray anger so convincingly on the show, Gandolfini simply said “Easy. I only sleep for 2-3 hours for two nights before. Then I don’t have to ‘act’ angry […]

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead”? Be careful what you wish for!

Sleep deprivation destroys your immune system. And no, that’s not an exaggeration. I don’t mean that long periods of sleep deprivation will eventually weaken your immunity… I mean that a single night of 4 hours of sleep cripples your immune system for the following day, leaving you defenseless against whatever flu or other bug is […]

The Cure to Indecisiveness: Just Get Moving!

Deciding to take one course of action means cutting off all other courses. This leads to a fear of commitment in a lot of us. Especially for big decisions. A lot of people email me asking for advice on where to start. They have so many things they’d like to do with their lives, but […]

The Cons of “Pros and Cons” Decision Making

Overthinking important decisions in your personal life almost always leads to the wrong choice. It’s odd, but despite the fact that gathering all the information and thinking out all of the possibilities should, in theory, provide the best decision, the happiest and most content people tend to be the ones who make quick decisions based […]

How To Stay Excited About Your Goals

The biggest problem with using excitement for motivation is that it wears off fast. New goals bring a flood of excitement. And new plans provide a surge of emotional energy to get you moving. But once that initial excitement wears off, you’re left adrift with nothing to move you forward but your own initiative. Without […]

Have a Lucky Friday the 13th!

An insurance company did a study in 2008 and found that Friday the 13th is actually one of the safest days to drive. There are fewer accidents on Friday the 13th because, due to the superstition, people are automatically more aware of their surroundings. And, as a result of their increased awareness, they drive safer. […]

Sticking to New Habits: Focus on the Payoff

Sticking to a new habit can feel like you’re punishing yourself… Or it can feel like you’re setting yourself free… All depending on how you choose to look at it. A few years ago, when I decided to start going to the gym, it was tempting to talk myself out of it. After all, it […]

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It’s amazing what you can achieve when you learn to communicate with your subconscious mind. When you cease to be a stranger to the part of yourself responsible for all your motivation and creative problem solving, you become unstoppable. You can set a goal, pass that goal to your subconscious through visualization and affirmations, and […]

Lying Thieves and The Law of Attraction

A “customer” sent me an email this weekend berating me for the ineffectiveness of my Attract Money subliminal session. After some back and forth, however, he confessed that he had actually downloaded it from a file sharing site. So I had to wonder what he expected. It doesn’t matter how effective the session is under […]

Accessing The Control Room In Your Mind

There’s a lot more to be gained from Speedzen sessions than the belief changes and mindset improvements you’ll get from the subliminal suggestions. The music itself helps you to meditate… And meditation has a whole host of benefits: From better mental clarity and improved moods to overall better physical health. Thousands of books could be […]