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Follow Your Bliss Does NOT Mean Be A Junkie

There’s a wonderful place that we’re always trying to reach. Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re always working to find our way back to this place so we can spend as much time there as possible. It’s a place where our sense of time fades away. It’s a place where everything flows effortlessly. […]

If you give a mouse a cookie…

One of my favorite children’s stories is “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” If you’re not familiar with it, it starts with a boy giving a cookie to a cute little mouse. Then the mouse wants a glass of milk… Then a straw… Then a napkin… Until, eventually, the boy is enslaved by this […]

Drooling Dogs and Peak Performance

Most people are familiar with Pavlov’s famous experiment with drooling dogs. I’ll skip the gruesome details, but the main takeaway from his experiment is that you can condition dogs (and people) to respond in a predictable way to some arbitrary trigger. In this case, he conditioned the dogs to drool in anticipation of food every […]

How To Fail At Everything

Success is easy… Pick one goal that really excites you. Decide that you will succeed at that goal – no matter what. Work towards achieving that goal every single day. …But, failure is hard. Failure requires you to carefully waste all of your mental and emotional energy in very specific ways. So, here are the […]

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Boost Your Brain Power Overnight

There’s a modern myth about productivity that says: The more hours you work, the more you can accomplish. If you want to be successful in school, you need to study 16 hours a day and sacrifice a few hours of sleep each night. And if you want to succeed in your career, you should probably […]

Sometimes the Best Goal is No Goal

Long-term goals are powerful. They give your life direction. They act like a magnet to pull your thoughts, actions and habits towards a better future… while shutting out all the distractions along the way. And, ideally, they provide you with the motivation and drive you need to really dig down and access all of your […]

Losers ask “Why?” – Winners ask “How?”

“Why did I fail?” That question is useless at best, and life-destroying at its worst. When we ask “why?” we’re looking for excuses for why things happened the way they did. We’re not seeking new information, or solutions, or practical knowledge that we can use to improve our lives. We’re just digging into our memories […]

Weak Wishes Create Weak Results

Imagine you’ve just rubbed a magic lamp and a genie popped out. He says to you: “Tell me your wish and I will grant it to you.” And you reply: “Well… uhm… I guess I’d like to have a little more money each month.” The genie looks confused for a second, then shrugs his shoulders […]

Belief Part 7: The Guardian At The Gate

So far we’ve covered how Speedzen subliminals use affirmation and visualization to remove limiting beliefs, and replace them with empowering beliefs, unleashing your true creative potential and giving you more creative control over your reality. But how did the limiting beliefs get there in the first place? Simple: They walked right in, like thieves in […]

What’s the point? (A message to millennials)

I’m getting a lot of replies to yesterday’s newsletter from people who feel… lost. Mostly millennials. And the main question they have is “what’s the point?” They’re slogging through their daily routines… working a job… getting an education… …doing everything they’ve been told to do. But they feel disconnected and directionless. So I’m taking a […]