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Meet Jason Lynch, The Creator Of Speedzen Subliminals

If someone were to tell you that in 30 seconds you could learn something that would literally change the course of the rest of your life for the better, you would do it wouldn’t you?

All it takes is the right person asking the right questions to trigger that ā€œAHA!ā€ moment that will instantly rewire your thinking and put you back on track towards the life of your dreams.

And that’s exactly the type of breakthrough you can experience during a coaching session with Jason.

Dear friend,

The first step to achieving any goal… is to clearly define that goal.

Sounds obvious, doesnā€™t it?

But you might be surprised at how often my face-to-face clients hire me to help them reach a goalā€¦

ā€¦only to suddenly discover that they aren’t really sure what they want!

So, even though most people hire me with the expectation that Iā€™ll just perform some sort of NLP or hypnosis ā€˜magicā€™ to make them instantly more successful in lifeā€¦

ā€¦More often than not, the first coaching session with me is nothing more than a casual conversation… about your hopes and dreamsā€¦ where you are and where you want to beā€¦

…And really, itā€™s just a simple interview to help you clearly identify the things that truly motivate you.

And yes, once that clarity is reached, I do have some powerful techniques I can teach you to overcome any further obstaclesā€¦

ā€¦Butā€¦ that clarity, in and of itself, will provide more lasting motivation and self-confidence than anything else.

And without clarity, trying to use anything else I teach is like trying to build a house on quicksand.

Hereā€™s whyā€¦

When anyone is first asked about their goals in life, 9 out of 10 times, their answers will be incredibly vagueā€¦

  • ā€œI want to be more confident.ā€
  • ā€œI want to make more money.ā€
  • ā€œI want to lose weight and stay in shape.ā€
  • And so onā€¦

Hereā€™s the problem with these types of ā€˜goalsā€™:

They are so open-ended and non-specific thatā€¦ if you try to stick to themā€¦ you will give up at the first signs of difficulty or discomfortā€¦ Andā€¦ more importantlyā€¦

Without a Powerful ā€˜Reason Whyā€™ You Will Never Experience Strong Enough Motivation to Stay On Track!

You seeā€¦ all motivation is based on two subconscious drives that everybody shares.

And these driving forces are hard-wired into all of usā€¦ at the cellular level:

  1. Avoid pain
  2. Seek pleasure

So the only way you will ever stay motivated to achieve a difficult goal is to keep reminding yourselfā€¦

ā€¦on a daily basisā€¦

ā€¦that the pleasure of accomplishing your goal far outweighs any pain you might experience on the way to that goal.

Or… for really tough cases… that the pain of not achieving your goal will be an unbearable nightmare!

And, because these basic driving forces are hard-wired throughout your entire bodyā€¦

ā€¦The only effective way to communicate new goals to yourself… at a deep enough level to really make a permanent change… is to actually experience the pleasure of having what you want… beforehand…

ā€¦By visualizing that you already have itā€¦ and really feeling it in the present moment.

And no, this is not ā€˜The Secretā€™.

This isnā€™t about magically manifesting anything you want…

No… it’s all about the hard science of how your central nervous system processes visual information into sensations, emotions, and neurochemicalsā€¦

ā€¦And how you can consciously control that process to unleash your untapped potentialā€¦ and access the almost infinite intelligence available to youā€¦ and stay motivated to create what you want in your life.


Letā€™s take a closer look at the example ā€œgoalā€ of losing weight and staying in shape.

Yesā€¦ physical health is incredibly important. And the benefits should be obviousā€¦

But… to your subconscious mind… to that massive network of neurons running throughout your entire bodyā€¦ it’s not entirely obvious.

Your ‘subconscious self’ only knows sensations and emotionsā€¦

…And when you try to motivate yourselfā€¦ it will only ever understand and respond to vivid visualizations that create the desired sensations and emotions in your body…

ā€¦You have to really show your subconscious self WHY it is in your best interest to eat healthy and exercise regularlyā€¦

Or else it won’t be convinced…

…And it will not support you on the way towards your goal.

Instead, it will continue motivating or demotivating you based on what it already knows…

And…For most people… what it knows is this: ā€œEating junk food while I binge-watch Netflix is easy and it feels good. Eating healthy and working out is hard and uncomfortable.ā€

So what are some good ‘reasons why’ to use, in this example, to teach your subconscious mind a healthier way of looking at that situation?

Some might say: “Because I want to look good in my swimsuit this summer.”

Or maybe: “Because I want to have more energy and be more productive.”

But even those reasons will never last.

Why not?

Simply because they don’t really tap into the ‘avoid pain’ and ‘seek pleasure’ motivators at a deep enough level.

Of course, we all know that the pain you will experience down the roadā€¦ after years of living a sedentary lifestyle and eating poorlyā€¦ will far outweigh the pain of eating nutritious food and getting plenty of exercise nowā€¦

…And the pleasure of being healthy and full of energy… for years to come… far outweighs the fleeting pleasures of eating junk food.

But if you never take the time to explain all of that to your subconscious self…by imagining it… in life-like detail… then your beliefs and attitudes will never change until life changes them for you…

…The hard way.

And the hard way, of course, is when all your bad habits finally catch up with you and the pain becomes a real part of your daily life.

And by then… as your health problems hit you all at once, and quickly ‘snowball’ in to bigger and bigger problems…

It Will Be Too Late To Do Anything About It.

So… here’s a compelling ‘reason why’ that I personally use for staying healthy.

It’s my own, personal reason… and maybe it’s a little extreme… but I’m a difficult person to motivate.

So I usually need a stronger ‘kick’ than most people…

“I will exercise today, and I will only eat healthy food today, because I want to be healthy and full of energy so that I can provide a good life for my wife and kids. And… I know what will happen if I don’t… After watching my father die the most gruesome and needlessly drawn-out death I have ever witnessed, I will always remember this: If I don’t take care of my body, the same thing will probably happen to me… I will also die early from an easily preventable illness. And, as a result, I will cause unimaginable suffering for my wife and children… for no good reason at all.”

Again… probably more extreme than most people would need… but it is brutally honest, very specific, and super compelling to me.

And it paints a perfectly clear picture in my mind… both of the pleasure of sticking to my goal and the pain of not sticking to my goal.

So… whenever I find myself in one of those lazy moods where I want to skip my morning workout…

…and especially when I feel like doing something really crazy, like eating an entire pizza and half a cheesecake by myself while watching 10 episodes of some silly TV show in one sitting…

…all it takes is a quick review of my ‘reason why’ to snap me out of it and put me back on track.

And… because it is such a vivid and compelling reason…

The entire process happens in the blink of an eye… almost automatically.

Now listen: Hereā€™s the really important partā€¦ and it’s truly a game-changerā€¦ once you really ā€˜get itā€™ā€¦

You Are Already Programming Yourself With Visualizationā€¦ All The Time… And Usually In Self-Sabotaging Ways!

How so? Think about itā€¦

What scares you? What holds you back from doing things you really want to do?

Iā€™m sure some images popped into your mind just now.

And how do I know that? Because that’s just how our minds workā€¦

…Everyone paints mental pictures about possible outcomes before the real experience even happens.

And we usually donā€™t even notice that we’re doing it… until we learn to pay attention.

For example, let’s look at another common problem my clients usually want help with…

How to Eliminate Social Anxiety

Letā€™s say you see a very attractive person youā€™d like to talk toā€¦ butā€¦ the second you decide you want to approach themā€¦

Suddenly images of being rejected and humiliated flash into your mindā€™s eyeā€¦ so fast that you donā€™t even see them consciouslyā€¦

ā€¦but your body is already experiencing the painful sensations associated with that imaginary outcome…

…and your motivation plummets. You recoil in fear without even consciously knowing why.

The pain of an imagined scenario has already been felt, and, because we are hard-wired to avoid pain… you will back down and find any excuse not to take action.

And that, right there, is the root of all procrastination and all self-sabotage….

Before you even realize itā€¦ the mental picture of some imaginary, negative outcome has popped up in your mind…

…And any attempts to ā€˜talk yourselfā€™ back into feeling motivated will failā€¦ because logic has no effect on your emotional wiring.

At least, not nearly as much impact as the feelings connected to your mental pictures.

And soā€¦ the real secret to finally taking charge of your life… and fearlessly taking action in previously scary situations…

…Is to train yourself to notice those images as they pop into your mind… and then, change them into positive outcomes that you want to experience.

When you begin to automatically see yourself succeedingā€¦ you will easily take action towards that outcomeā€¦ instead of automatically scaring the crap out of yourself, and giving up before youā€™ve even started.

And this process of cleaning up your “mental photo albums” is something I only teach one-on-one, but…

It all starts with this one simple exercise

Get clear about your goalā€¦ make it specificā€¦ and make sure you have a powerful ā€˜reason whyā€™ā€¦ something that will really compel you… and something that you can clearly visualize…

…And allow yourself to feel how great itā€™s going to be when you get thereā€¦ to the point that any pain along the way becomes nothing more than a petty annoyance.

Practice making those positive images in your mindā€™s eye until you automatically feel positive and motivated about taking action to reach your goalā€¦

ā€¦INSTEAD of automatically picturing the possible (and usually unlikely) negative outcomes before youā€™ve even given yourself a chance to see what youā€™re really capable of.


I don’t take on new clients any more.

This isn’t some sales pitch to get you to hire me.

No, the reason I’m explaining what I do is so that you understand exactly what goes into my subliminal hypnosis sessions.

Each session contains years of experience working directly with my clients, condensed and wrapped up into a hypnosis script designed to make you see yourself working at peak performance in some area of your life, which then gets injected directly into your subconscious mind where it will take root and grow so that you automatically begin to see and feel yourself behaving in new ways.

You will effortlessly gain a new sense of focus, drive and determination to reach your goal, simply by getting clear on that goal and then listening to the session designed for that specific purpose.

If you’d like to try it out for yourself right now, you can download the MP3 version of my classic Unstoppable Confidence session for free to see if it works for you.

When you download your free subliminal MP3, you will also be subscribed to my daily email newsletter.

I’m not available for coaching these days, but, you get the next best thing by subscribing. Every day I send out some useful advice on how to tap into the true power of your mind and get the most out of your life.

And, as a subscriber, you can always ask me any questions you may have about getting clear on your goals and achieving your goals in the fastest, most effective way possible.

So what’s the catch?

Nothing’s really free, after all.

No, if you choose to download your free subliminal MP3 and subscribe to my daily newsletters, I will of course also give you plenty of daily opportunities to buy my other products.

And, if you choose to use your perk as a subscriber to ask me questions and get free coaching via email, you must also give me permission to use any interesting lessons from our coaching session that others might find helpful in my future emails.

But if all that sounds fine to you, you can subscribe and download your free subliminal MP3 here.

Best wishes,
Jason Lynch
Founder – Speedzen Subliminals