Find Your Soulmate Subliminal Affirmations MP3


Be the right person, in the right place, at the right time to meet and recognize your soulmate.

This subliminal affirmations MP3 provides an hour of deeply hypnotic binaural beats music embedded with powerful positive affirmations to get your subconscious mind aligned with the goal of attracting your one true love.

Find Your Soulmate Subliminal Affirmations

  • I am connected deeply to my soulmate.
  • I effortlessly radiate positive and loving energy.
  • My mind is focused on attracting my soulmate.
  • I am attracting the perfect loving partner.
  • The universe sends abundant love into my life.
  • I am giving and caring towards the right person.
  • My heart is open to love.
  • There is great love for me out there.
  • My soulmate is being attracted to me now.
  • Joy fills me when I radiate love.
  • Being warm, loving, and lovable comes naturally to me.
  • My heart is open to receiving love from the right person.
  • There is an unbreakable bond between my soulmate and me.
  • I have more love than I ever thought possible.
  • I am in the right place at the right time to meet my soulmate.
  • I find it easy to give off positive and loving energy to others.
  • My soulmate is strongly attracted to me.
  • My soulmate loves me completely.
  • I always radiate a loving and inviting energy.
  • The perfect partner is showing up in my life.
  • Others are drawn to my positive energy.
  • I am complete as an individual.
  • I choose to have love in my life.
  • I deserve to love and be loved by my partner.
  • I am attracting my soulmate.
  • My soulmate and I are just meant to be together.
  • I am now attracting the most loving person in my life.
  • My soulmate and I are being drawn together.
  • I am already connected deeply to my soulmate.
  • My soulmate and I are destined to be together.


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