Overcome Fear of The Dentist

$17.00$19.00 $8.50 - $9.50

Are you dreading your next dental visit?

Do you get terrified and panic-stricken at the idea of visiting the dentist?

Have you ever skipped important dental work because you simply couldn’t force yourself to go?

You’re not alone…

Everybody gets nervous about going to the dentist, but an estimated 15% of all people have full-blown dental phobia which prevents them from ever getting the dental care they need. People with severe dental phobia put off dental treatment for years, resulting in early tooth loss, gum disease, loss of self-confidence, and eventually even poorer overall health due to secondary illnesses caused by oral infections.

So overcoming your fear and getting the treatment you need is vital, not only for keeping your beautiful smile, but for your overall health and quality of life.

This subliminal hypnosis session can prepare your for your next dental appointment, so you can get the dental treatment you need without fear and anxiety.

As you listen you’ll start to relax and calm your mind. Meanwhile, positive subliminal suggestions will help you to find the confidence to put your faith in your dentist. You’ll recognize the importance of dental care at the subconscious level and be motivated to move past your fears in order to save your smile and your health.

After just one session you’ll probably still experience the usual nervousness that most people feel, but you’ll find that the extreme fear and anxiety is quickly fading away. And after you make it through your next dental appointment and get to experience the positive results of your treatments, you’ll find it easier and easier to keep up to date with your future visits.

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