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Optimizing your brain’s search engine

WARNING: Today’s email is longer than usual but if you read it from beginning to end you might notice something interesting in the way you think and feel. Something good. Something that will change the way you feel about yourself, for the better, forever. Onward… What if Google had feelings, and it gave you search […]

The 3-letter word that will kill your motivation

I’ve written a lot lately about the 4-letter word: ‘need.’ It’s a dangerous word. We often use it when we don’t really need something and, in doing so, we program ourselves to feel needy and desperate. And while desperation is a powerful motivating force… it also causes frantic emotions and sloppy thinking. It’s far more […]

“I Can’t See Myself Doing That”

I used to think this was a harmless figure of speech. When someone is presented with a great idea… Something that could really take their life, their career, or their business to the next level… They say: “Sounds great, but I just can’t see myself doing that.” It’s not a harmless figure of speech, though. […]

What Are You Telling Yourself With Your Actions?

It’s amazing what you can achieve when you learn to communicate with your subconscious mind. When you cease to be a stranger to the part of yourself responsible for all your motivation and creative problem solving… …You become unstoppable. You can set a goal, pass that goal to your subconscious through visualization and affirmations, and […]

How Asking Better Questions Can Improve Your Life

We can never outperform our self-image. If we can’t see ourselves doing something, then we can’t do it. Simple as that. But all of us have far more potential than we tend to imagine. Physically, mentally, emotionally, creatively… Our true limits far exceed what most of us ever actually achieve. Because it’s never our true […]

How To Weaponize Your Insecurities

Here’s a fun little trick you can use in those situations where your insecurities get the better of you. You know the ones… You want to ask for something, but you’re afraid you won’t get it. You really want to speak your mind, but you’re afraid of rocking the boat, even though it’s killing you […]

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It’s amazing what you can achieve when you learn to communicate with your subconscious mind. When you cease to be a stranger to the part of yourself responsible for all your motivation and creative problem solving, you become unstoppable. You can set a goal, pass that goal to your subconscious through visualization and affirmations, and […]

Be Careful How You Talk to Yourself!

Have you ever tried to remember to do something by telling yourself “Don’t forget to ____”? It’s funny how the subconscious mind processes any commands you give it… While completely ignoring the “don’t”. If I told you “Don’t think of your favorite food right now” your subconscious mind will already be serving up the sights, […]