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The Most Powerful Persuasion Secret I’ve Ever Learned

People occasionally email me asking me to teach them some trick to be more persuasive. They want to learn some NLP language pattern, or hypnosis tactic, to get people to do what they want… Whether they’re trying to get a date, make new friends, be a better sales person, or whatever it is they feel […]

Perfectly Unsuccessful VS Imperfectly Successful

Isn’t it funny when unsuccessful people blame their lack of action on perfectionism? Waiting to apply for that job until their resume is just right… Only to have someone else get the job with a good enough resume. Or waiting to ask that person out on a date… Only to watch them get swept off […]

Happiness Is The Way, Not The Destination

Yeah, it’s a cheesy cliché. It’s still true, though. The problem with clichés is that they get repeated so often that people forget the deeper meaning behind them. It’s like remembering the lyrics to a song, but forgetting the melody. The deeper feeling behind the words gets lost. The universal truth to which the words […]

Be The Hero Of Your Own Story

You recognize a hero’s story when you read one: A normal person has their life thrown into chaos by some unexpected event. They go through trials and tribulations as their understanding of the true nature of their reality is torn to pieces. They face seemingly impossible challenges, but they keep going. They learn and grow […]

Write A Better Story – Live A Better Life

We all have a subconscious image of ourselves. And all of our subconscious beliefs and habits reflect that image back to us in our daily lives. This is the foundational principle used in my subliminals: Change your self-image – directly, at the subconscious level – and all your beliefs and habits will automatically change. When […]

The “Whack-A-Mole” Approach To Personal Development

You ever catch yourself playing “Whack-A-Mole” with your bad habits? Whenever a bad habit pops up in your life, you whack it with whatever personal development tool is available to you… Only to have that habit pop back up somewhere else in your life. So you take another whack at it, only to have two […]

Super Successful Underachievers

I read a study yesterday that highlights the one real difference between underachievers and overachievers. It also answers one of the most baffling questions in the business world, which is: Why do the ‘A’ and ‘B’ students usually end up working for the ‘C’ students? The overachievers in school are obviously the best and brightest. […]

Follow Your Bliss Does NOT Mean Be A Junkie

There’s a wonderful place that we’re always trying to reach. Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re always working to find our way back to this place so we can spend as much time there as possible. It’s a place where our sense of time fades away. It’s a place where everything flows effortlessly. […]

If you give a mouse a cookie…

One of my favorite children’s stories is “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” If you’re not familiar with it, it starts with a boy giving a cookie to a cute little mouse. Then the mouse wants a glass of milk… Then a straw… Then a napkin… Until, eventually, the boy is enslaved by this […]

Drooling Dogs and Peak Performance

Most people are familiar with Pavlov’s famous experiment with drooling dogs. I’ll skip the gruesome details, but the main takeaway from his experiment is that you can condition dogs (and people) to respond in a predictable way to some arbitrary trigger. In this case, he conditioned the dogs to drool in anticipation of food every […]