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Accessing The Control Room In Your Mind

There’s a lot more to be gained from Speedzen sessions than the belief changes and mindset improvements you’ll get from the subliminal suggestions.

The music itself helps you to meditate…

And meditation has a whole host of benefits: From better mental clarity and improved moods to overall better physical health.

Thousands of books could be (and have been) written on the topic.

But the primary benefit is the ability to relax and focus your mind on command.

We live in a noisy world full of distractions and mind-numbing information overload, so developing the ability to stay mentally calm and focused can mean the difference between living a meaningful and productive life vs. running around like a chicken with your head cut off until you finally die of stress-induced illness.

Every time you listen to a Speedzen session, the music helps to bring your brainwave activity down into a relaxed alpha state. It’s in this mental state that you are most focused, calm, and open minded.

Obviously this increases the effectiveness of the subliminal suggestions, but it also trains your brain to recognize this state so that you can achieve it more easily and more often.

You can think of it like training wheels for learning to meditate.

There’s a reason it’s called Speedzen. Not only do you get much faster subliminal results with this approach, you also learn to achieve a meditative mental state much faster than traditional meditation training, which can take years of trial and error.

And once you get in the habit of reaching this state of calm, relaxed mental focus, you can start calling it up on command, whenever you need it most.

It’s like having a safe, quiet control room in your mind. No matter what chaos is going on around you, you can always enter this mental control room and continue to function from a state of perfect mental clarity, without getting drawn in to the chaos around you. You’ll get better and staying cool under pressure and you’ll function much more effectively in your day-to-day life.

But only if you’re listening according to the instructions.

I get so many questions about using the sessions differently than advised. Yes, you’ll still get the subliminal benefits if you listen while multi-tasking, or if you listen while sleeping, but your results will be slower and you’ll miss out on the meditation benefits entirely.

One comment

  1. TR Johnson

    will try to do nothing but focuse on sound of tape and relax with breathing.

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