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Speedzen Newsletter

From Scarcity to Abundance

We affirm and re-affirm our reality every moment of our waking lives. The automatic thoughts, feelings, and actions you experience throughout your day are habits that spring forth from your deepest beliefs about yourself, and the world around you. People who believe in an abundant universe think in terms of abundance. And so they feel […]

Freedom From Your Past 2.0 is available now

This is the only Speedzen session that ever got this complaint… It worked TOO fast. Sure, the end result was always positive… But, a few people found that it was a bit unpleasant to process and release negative past experiences so quickly. Sort of like ripping off a band-aid, instead of gently removing it. So… […]

“Inner Vision” Trumps “Inner Talk” Every Time

Sure, self-talk is important. If your inner monologue is constantly nagging you and tearing you down, you might have a hard time feeling good about yourself. But, your inner talk isn’t nearly as powerful as your inner vision. In fact… Your inner talk can only change your feelings and behavior if it’s able to change […]

Mental Focus 2.0 Is Here

I’m listening to it right now… as I write this. The Gentle Thunderstorm track, to be exact. We made this one last week so that I could use it myself to keep up with all the extra work we’ve been doing. I love the sound of rain. I’ve always found it calming. But there’s something […]

People are loving the new Speedzen 2.0 nature sounds

We’re getting great feedback on the new nature sound subliminal tracks included with the new Speedzen 2.0 sessions… “I love the sea sounds,it is very relaxing for me to listen to. I often go to the beach when I’m stressed so it helps.” -Rosey “Listening to Unstoppable Confidence right now,the Mountain Stream one,and grinning from […]

The Next Generation Of Speedzen Subliminals

It’s here… Speedzen’s most powerful subliminal audio format yet… And it’s called… Speedzen 2.0 Yep. Super creative name, I know. 🙂 It’s appropriate though. Because it’s the 2nd generation of Speedzen audio technology, and… the primary feature of Speedzen 2.0 is the dual scripting method. Each audio track contains two separate subliminal scripts, delivered separately […]

Perfectionism… or Paralyzing Fear of Failure?

Perfectionism is a silly excuse for never finishing anything. Most people use it as a disguised form of procrastination. * Waiting to apply for that perfect job until they get their resume just right… Only to lose that job to someone else with a ‘good enough’ resume. * Or waiting to ask that one person […]

Is loneliness killing us?

I read a disturbing news article today. It talks about how loneliness is reaching epidemic proportions in our society. Apparently, despite our world being more connected than ever, people are connecting less and less on a personal level. It’s all about posting selfies on Facebook… Not about developing meaningful, personal relationships with real people, face […]

Why so few people succeed where most people fail

Success is all about seeing opportunities. It’s about what you notice… …or fail to notice. I noticed an interesting experiment once where a self-described “unlucky” man was followed for a few days. The experimenters set up lucky events for this guy, to see if they could change his belief about himself. But the events in […]

New Year’s Resolutions That Are Doomed To Fail

2019 is right around the corner. That means, come Tuesday morning, most people are going to be working through their hangover to get started on the Resolutions they’ve set for themselves. Which, in most cases, will mean dropping X number of pounds. They’ll start a diet they hate, hit the gym a couple times, and […]