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The Next Generation Of Speedzen Subliminals

It’s here…

Speedzen’s most powerful subliminal audio format yet…

And it’s called…

Speedzen 2.0


Super creative name, I know. 🙂

It’s appropriate though.

Because it’s the 2nd generation of Speedzen audio technology, and… the primary feature of Speedzen 2.0 is the dual scripting method.

Each audio track contains two separate subliminal scripts, delivered separately to each hemisphere of your brain.

And what better way to introduce this new technology than by upgrading my flagship subliminal program, Unstoppable Confidence?

Or, as it will now be known by it’s super creative new name: Unstoppable Confidence 2.0

You can read all about the new program and scripting method here.

And, as promised, if you already owned Unstoppable Confidence before the upgrade, you can simply login to your account now and download the new Unstoppable Confidence 2.0 MP3s… at not additional charge.

Important: Just be sure to read the new listening instructions found on the new product description page before getting started!

The instructions are different than the old program.

And the results will speak for themselves, but only if used correctly!

Best Wishes,
Jason Lynch
Founder – Speedzen Subliminals

One comment

  1. Walter Lee Campbell

    Dual induction subliminal, thoight of it twenty five years ago but could get no one to back me including learning strategies coorperation# Martial artist are looking for a way to program the mind to maximize fighting skills ( NOT TOURNAMENT) perfect. Instantaneous,unrehearsrd response to attacks, opponents moving in slow motion, defender moving with blinding speed and power.

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