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How To Stop Spreading Yourself So Thin That You Never Finish Anything

A person without a goal… a mission… a single purpose in life, is like a ship without a sail.

The waves push you this way and that.

But you never really move closer towards any one destination.

People who don’t have a clear mission and purpose in life always have trouble deciding what to do next.

Because – without that guiding mission – every task seems equally important, or unimportant.

There’s really no way to tell.

There’s no guiding principle for choosing one course of action over another, because there’s no clear way to measure the effectiveness of one over the other.

So, instead of picking a path and sticking to it, they move continuously back and forth, never really mastering any one skill, or working to achieve any one goal.

“Do I stick with this career, or study and train for a better one?”

“Do I stick with this diet, or pick a better one from the hundreds of others available?”

“Do I continue with this exercise plan, or will I get better results with a better one?”

“Do I listen to one subliminal session until I get the results I want, or do I listen to 3 at a time and get frustrated when nothing happens?”

This lack of decisiveness isn’t any sort of mental or emotional block.

It’s not a fear of commitment.

It’s simply a lack of certainty.

Until you’re certain about the end result you’re looking to achieve, anything and everything will look better than what you already have.

If you find yourself having trouble sticking to one course of study, or one career, or one single path towards any goal in your life…

You simply haven’t developed a clear vision of what you really want and where you’re really headed.

Because, once you know that… once you see it and *feel* it… all of your choices become obvious.

You know when you choose a course of action that it is the right one for you, because you know where you want to go and nothing else will distract you from that.

It’s easy to judge what’s best for you, because you can see where you are, where you’re headed, and what will get you there.

More importantly, you’ll easily identify what *won’t* get you there, and you can stop wasting time second guessing your decisions and jumping back and forth between different ways of reaching your goal.

Building a clear vision is like putting sails and a rudder on your ship.

Now, when the wind blows and the waves push you around, you can simply steer yourself straight through and towards your goal.

You won’t get swept away and pushed and pulled towards places you don’t want to go.

You’ll simply pick a path, decide the best way to travel that path, and do it.

But it all depends on building that vision, and developing the certainty that your one major goal, or purpose, is more important to you than all the others.

Then that mission and purpose can guide every decision you make moving forward:

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