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Say this every morning… it’ll change your life

Happy people are more successful than unhappy people. Feeling happy makes you more optimistic and motivates you to set and achieve new goals. A happy and grateful attitude even improves your immune system and increases your energy levels so you can deal with life’s challenges without getting bogged down and burnt out. So it’s backwards […]

Take off your blinders

I saw a fascinating experiment once where a self-described “unlucky” man was followed for a few days. The experimenters set up lucky events for this guy, to see if they could change his belief about himself. They failed to change his beliefs. He completely ignored all the lucky events they staged for him. For example: […]

Stop being a stranger to success

One of the biggest stumbling blocks towards success, for most people, is that the life they want to live is so completely different from the life they’re currently living that… It seems like a stranger’s life, and not their own. And your subconscious mind will always strive to keep you in familiar territory. ALWAYS. It’s […]

How To Get Anything You Want In 6 Simple Steps

There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it. Napoleon Hill In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill spells out the exact formula for getting anything you want in life. And it all starts with […]

From Scarcity to Abundance

We affirm and re-affirm our reality every moment of our waking lives. The automatic thoughts, feelings, and actions you experience throughout your day are habits that spring forth from your deepest beliefs about yourself, and the world around you. People who believe in an abundant universe think in terms of abundance. And so they feel […]

Why so few people succeed where most people fail

Success is all about seeing opportunities. It’s about what you notice… …or fail to notice. I noticed an interesting experiment once where a self-described “unlucky” man was followed for a few days. The experimenters set up lucky events for this guy, to see if they could change his belief about himself. But the events in […]

My Uncensored Opinion of “The Secret”

You might be amazed what you can accomplish when you finally figure out how to use the ‘control panel’ of your own mind. Actively creating the life you desire… instead of reacting to external circumstances. I mean… Have you ever pictured your life and what it would be like if you were able to take […]

The Law of Repulsion

The key points of the Law of Attraction can be summed up like this: Build a clear vision of what you want. Keep an abundance mindset, so you are open to new opportunities. Maintain a feeling of gratitude and faith, so you attract all the people and events you need to get where you’re going. […]

My Kids Won’t Be Forced To Eat Potato Soup

I cringe whenever someone says “Money can’t buy happiness.” Not because it isn’t true. It is true. Happiness is a choice. No matter what’s going on in your life, you can choose to be happy or you can choose to be morose. And… If you’re in the habit of being unhappy, someone could drop a […]

Getting Others To Do What You Want

Not too long ago, I wrote about how to be more persuasive. If you missed that one, it boiled down to this… “When you like yourself and treat yourself with respect, others will like you and respect you.” More importantly, though, the *right* people will like and respect you. Not everybody, of course. Just the […]